Self-management Resources

04 March 2025
Asthma is one of the most common long-term conditions (LTC) in the world. The UK has one of the highest prevalence rates of asthma worldwide, with asthma-related deaths continuing to rise each year. Supported self-management is imperative to enable people with asthma to live well. Low levels of self-management are linked to increased cost,
faster disease progression, early mortality, and increased multimorbidity (NHS England, 2024). This article highlights how primary care nurses, such as general practice nurses (GPNs), are well placed to support people living with asthma to self-manage their condition through the use of motivational interviewing and personalised asthma action plans (PAAPs), using a case study to demonstrate learning.
Topics:  Self-management
01 June 2021
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a term often used for two common incurable lung conditions, chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Breathlessness is the main symptom experienced by patients, which can be frightening and patients can develop symptoms of anxiety, panic, low mood and depression. General practice nurses (GPNs) are ideally placed to address these symptoms. This article describes the importance of considering psychological well-being to improve self-management in COPD and how cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) techniques can be used to assess and manage the psychological impact of breathlessness. Addressing mental health is a key area to improve self-management in COPD and research has found that respiratory nurses were able to learn and deliver CBT techniques to patients with COPD and improve symptoms of anxiety and depression, as well as quality of life, while also reducing use of healthcare resources (Heslop-Marshall et al, 2018). GPNs can likewise improve self-management by incorporating CBT techniques.
Topics:  Self-management
01 June 2021
Chronic prostatitis and chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS) are long-term conditions which are often poorly understood, difficult to treat, and for which there are currently no cures. Here, Teresa Lynch, specialist nurse, Prostate Cancer UK, discusses how to recognise these conditions, as well as how to holistically treat and help men manage their symptoms.
Topics:  Self-management
02 October 2017

Why reading can support patients' health and wellbeing.

The number of people in the UK living with long-term health conditions is rising, increasing the pressure on primary care services and staff as well as impacting on the quality of life of those affected. Primary care professionals, such as general practice nurses (GPNs), are responsible for a huge amount of the day-to-day care and management planning for these patients. Providing quality-assured information and support is an important part of this role, as is helping people to develop the right skills and knowledge to support self-care and self-management. 

National charity, The Reading Agency, works in partnership with public libraries to provide Reading Well Books on Prescription, i.e. carefully curated book lists of qualityassured health information and support, to help people to understand and manage a range of health conditions. This includes a new strand, launched in July 2017, which supports those living with long-term conditions, such as arthritis, bowel conditions, diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

Topics:  Stroke
06 July 2016

There are many components to consider when performing an annual asthma review. The Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) can help by prompting healthcare professionals to include such tasks as inhaler technique, peak flow and the Royal College of Physicians’ three questions (RCP3Q). However, these are only process measures. To perform a review adequately, it is important also to understand the more subtle aspects of asthma management in order to achieve the best outcomes for the patient. The ‘SIMPLES’ approach is one way in which this might be achieved (Ryan et al, 2013).

Topics:  Self-management
22 May 2015

As a consequence of increasing prevalence, cost, and complications of diabetes, there has been a significant shift in the management of patients with diabetes from secondary to primary care in the last decade (Hawthorne et al, 2012). This article explores some of the goals, issues and practicalities in caring for people with diabetes in primary care, based on a community model used by a diabetes specialist team in London, and the role of diabetes specialist teams in supporting general practice nurses (GPNs) and other healthcare professionals in the multidisciplinary team. It also highlights the importance of ongoing diabetes education and training to ensure that all patients receive early diagnosis, appropriate health checks, an individualised treatment plan, and appropriate referral as needed.

Topics:  Self-management