When undertaking patient assessment, including assessment of the respiratory system, it is important that general practice nurses (GPNs) use all their senses. Expensive equipment and multiple investigations are useful when assessing a patient’s respiratory function, but the initial assessment can often be undertaken using the senses — hearing, sight and touch — as well as basic equipment, such as a stethoscope. This article, the first part of a two-part series on respiratory assessment, looks at history-taking. The information given should be used as an adjunct to any face-toface teaching of respiratory assessment skills and may provide the novice nurse with an idea of what to expect when undertaking an advanced clinical skills course. The second article in this two-part series will focus on the physical aspects of respiratory assessment.
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a relatively rare chronic, progressive lung disease with a poor prognosis. General practice nurses (GPNs) have a pivotal role in supporting patients and their families at all stages of the disease trajectory. This article aims to raise the profile of this terminal lung condition and provide nurses with an introductory understanding of the disease, the diagnostic pathway, and treatment options available for patients. As core members of the multidisciplinary team, GPNs are well-placed to provide access to other healthcare professionals and services who together can improve the lives of patients living with this condition.
Sometimes it is just so busy in day-to-day practice, that it is hard to find time to reflect or discuss what you really think about a range of issues — perhaps you are inhibited by your colleagues’ knowledge and experience, find speaking out difficult, or are just not confident in your knowledge base.
However, when it comes to caring for patients with respiratory disorders, being able to openly discuss a patient’s treatment pathway with others, as well as seeking out new knowledge and skills, might make all the difference to the level of care you deliver.
Welcome to GPN’s learning zone. By reading the article in each issue, you can learn all about the key principles of subjects that are vital to your role as a general practice nurse. Once you have read the article, evaluate your knowledge on this topic by answering the 10 questions in the e-learning unit; all answers can be found in the article. If you answer the questions correctly, you can download your certificate which can be used in your continuing professional development (CPD) portfolio as evidence of your continued learning and contribute to your revalidation portfolio.
This article helps to explain how C-reactive protein point-of-care works, and why using this diagnostic kit can help to reduce antibiotic prescribing.