Journal of General Practice Nursing (GPN) | September 2021

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Teaching and learning styles and why they matter (September 2021)

Teaching and learning styles and why they matter (September 2021)
Practice matters

Pages: 8 - 15

We all learn in different ways and so it is important that teaching and educational materials embrace the different styles, or learning preferences, to make training more appealing and more effective (Xu, 2016).

An effective learning experience is one that is well understood, memorable and results in a new or enhanced way of thinking or practising. (Anderson, 2016).

This article covers areas such as how we learn, factors affecting learning and professional responsibility. 


  • Karen Harrison Dening (Head of research and publications and professor of dementia nursing, De Montfort University)
  • Lisa Ashworth (Lecturer in district nursing, pathway leader community specialist
    practitioner district nurse, module leader management of leg ulcers,
    University of Central Lancashire; Queen’s Nurse)
  • Annemarie Brown (Lecturer, BSc Adult Nursing, School of Health and Human Sciences, University of Essex)
  • Teresa Burdett (Senior lecturer in integrated health care, Bournemouth University)
  • Anne Williams (Lecturer, University of the West of Scotland, lymphoedema nurse consultant, Esklymphology)

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