Journal of General Practice Nursing (GPN) | May 2024

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Factors influencing non-attendance for cervical screening: a literature review

Factors influencing non-attendance for cervical screening: a literature review
Cervical screening

Pages: 44 - 48

Article topics: Cervical screening

Cervical screening checks the health of the cervix and can help to prevent and identify cervical cancer early to enable treatment to start. However, nearly a third of women are currently not participating in the screening programme so there is a strategic drive to increase this. To support an increase in uptake of smear tests, it is important to be aware of reasons why people do not attend. This literature review was undertaken to explore reasons why women do not participate in the cervical screening programme in the United Kingdom. Twelve studies were included in the review and thematic analysis was undertaken. The three themes identified were embarrassment and pain, knowledge, and health beliefs. Healthcare professionals, such as general practice nurses (GPNs), should be aware of potential factors which may prohibit attendance in order to encourage and increase engagement with the screening programme.

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