Journal of General Practice Nursing (GPN) | March 2025

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Asthma and supported self-management

Asthma and supported self-management

Pages: 26 - 30

Article topics: Pathophysiology, Self-management

Asthma is one of the most common long-term conditions (LTC) in the world. The UK has one of the highest prevalence rates of asthma worldwide, with asthma-related deaths continuing to rise each year. Supported self-management is imperative to enable people with asthma to live well. Low levels of self-management are linked to increased cost,
faster disease progression, early mortality, and increased multimorbidity (NHS England, 2024). This article highlights how primary care nurses, such as general practice nurses (GPNs), are well placed to support people living with asthma to self-manage their condition through the use of motivational interviewing and personalised asthma action plans (PAAPs), using a case study to demonstrate learning.

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