Journal of General Practice Nursing (GPN) | March 2017

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Role of GPNs in caring for patients with prostate cancer

Role of GPNs in caring for patients with prostate cancer
Long-term conditions

Article topics: Diagnosis, Prostate cancer, Screening, Staging, Symptoms

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in men in the United Kingdom (Cancer Research UK [CRUK], 2016). In 2013, there were 47,300 men diagnosed with prostate cancer. This amounts to 13% of all new cancers diagnosed in men. Furthermore, prostate cancer incidence has increased by 5% over the last ten years (CRUK, 2016). In 2014 there were 11,287 deaths due to prostate cancer, however 84% of men diagnosed with prostate cancer will survive 10 years or more (CRUK, 2016). This paper gives an overview of prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment and the role of general practice nurses (GPNs) in the care of men suspected of having prostate cancer and following treatment.

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