Journal of General Practice Nursing (GPN) | January 2016

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National dementia strategy care pathway: knowing and doing

National dementia strategy care pathway: knowing and doing
Mental Health

Article topics: Assessment, Diagnosis, Living well, Pathway, Support

Dementia is a progressive loss of the cognitive functions that are necessary for a person to live safely and independently. These include loss of memory, the ability to think logically and communicate effectively with others, and being able to care for yourself. In 2009 a national dementia strategy for England was launched in order to improve public and professional awareness, and to ensure high quality care at all stages, including early diagnosis and treatment (Department of Health [DH], 2009).

The strategy outlined a care pathway for people living with dementia and their families and carers from diagnosis through to end of life. This article will enable the reader to understand the importance of the dementia care pathway in supporting people to live well with dementia, to consider how the pathway is being developed and implemented in primary care and how general practice nurses (GPNs) can add  value within their professional role.

If you would like to write for the Journal of General Practice Nursing, please contact Binkie: