Journal of General Practice Nursing (GPN)
All issues

Vol. 11 No. 1
Vital role of GPNs in both the present and future NHS
What’s in the Darzi report and why does it matter?
Issues in asthma treatment and diagnosis: new guidelines
Long-term condition management: the value of GPNs
Living with breathlessness: its impact on patients and carers
Asthma and supported self-management
Anaemia of chronic disease and iron deficiency anaemia in adults
Management of pain in leg ulceration: an overview
Children and young people’s mental health: helping CYP to thrive
Muscle pump activation for hard-to-heal leg ulcers
Can diet help endometriosis?
General practice nurse education: what does the future look like?

Articles: 12

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Vol. 10 No. 4
Personal self-care is not a luxury, but a necessity
How to promote self-care in challenging situations
Learning from the #AskAboutAsthma campaign
Overcoming compression bandaging challenges with Portrait of a Patient™
Sjögren’s syndrome: a snapshot to increase awareness
Lipid management and long-term conditions
Gout and your diet
Improving asthma care by promoting patient involvement
Lower urinary tract infection in men: an overview
A nurse’s role in dealing with risk and incidents
Bullous pemphigoid: identification and treatment
Understanding clinical decision making at an advanced level

Articles: 12

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Vol. 10 No. 3
AI is coming to us all – so, let’s embrace its potential
What does artificial intelligence mean for general practice nursing?
How charities support the NHS to survive and thrive
Brilliant basics of asthma education
Role of weight management in long-term conditions
Influenza vaccination programme 2024–2025: changes and challenges
Experiences of asylum seekers and refugees accessing primary care
Understanding the role of fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO)
Managing childhood constipation in primary care
Can GPNs improve the experience of people living with cancer?
Assessing children and young people’s mental health
Pernicious anaemia: what GPNs should know
Can GPNs stop leg ulcers in their tracks?

Articles: 13

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Vol. 10 No. 2
Sharing expertise and clinical practice
Prostate cancer and PSA screening
Understanding how cardiac symptoms present in women
Lynch syndrome: following the leads to save lives
Hypertension and long-term conditions
Lifestyle management of obesity in primary care
Whooping cough (pertussis) and its management
Complications with a bariatric patient following surgery abroad
Factors influencing non-attendance for cervical screening: a literature review
Chronic kidney disease: detection and management for GPNs
Pelvic inflammatory disease: an overview
Apprenticeships and T-levels: an alternative pathway into health care

Articles: 12

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Vol. 10 No. 1
Celebrating the journal’s 10th anniversary
How to navigate ethical dilemmas
QNI and Marie Curie call for a new deal for end-of-life care
Giving confidence to treat hard-to-heal wounds
Physical activity and the menopause
Gout: underdiagnosed and undertreated
Vaccines for adolescents and young people: how general practice can contribute to high coverage
Peak flow monitoring: what GPNs should know
How to manage Lyme disease in primary care
What’s the best diet for cancer survivors?
Frailty and dementia: when they go ‘hand in hand’
Can coaching be the answer to developing nurse leaders?
Stop feeling blue about asthma: reconsidering the place of reliever inhalers

Articles: 13

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Vol. 9 No. 4
Let’s not lose sight of our expertise and experience
What the additional roles reimbursement scheme means for GPNs
Crucial role GPNs play in mitigating heart failure risk
Prevalence of malnutrition in UK health and care settings
Shift to supported shared care in UK wound management
Essential insights that could improve mental health care
Innovative training approach to wound management for GPNs
Ignoring oral health can put general health at risk
Abnormal menstrual bleeding patterns: what GPNs should know
Introducing diagnostic spirometry safely into the community setting
Measles: an unparalleled contagious threat
Shingles in the UK and the new vaccination programme
Inhaler devices and the environment
Enhancing pre-registration nursing education: student leadership placement
Heart failure in primary care
Diabetes digest – the future of diabetes: a focus on GPNs

Articles: 16

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Vol. 9 No. 3
Gaining a fresh perspective on everyday challenges
Is clinical supervision important for general practice nurses?
Role of GPNs in fostering a Speak Up culture in primary care
DVLA launches call for evidence on drivers with medical conditions
Survey reveals 5.1 million UK adults vaping every day
Register for the QNI community nursing conference 2023
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and comorbid conditions
Heart failure: detecting the undetected
Group clinics: a care model whose time has come?
Skin tone in the management of incontinence-associated dermatitis
Abnormal menstrual bleeding patterns: what GPNs should know
Abdominal presentations: history-taking and assessment
Applying a prescribing consultation model to a skin-tear injury
The time is now to keep children with asthma safe
Diabetes digest – remission in type 2 diabetes: is it possible and how can it be achieved?

Articles: 15

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Vol. 9 No. 2
Let’s advocate for general practice nursing
How can GPNs improve their leadership skills?
How and are you talking about air pollution?
Introducing the Mental Capacity Act Toolkit
Placing patients at the heart of digital solutions to care
‘In This Together’: a new website for patients
Menopause and the workplace
Continence issues: an overview
Prediabetes: what is it and can it be prevented or reversed?
Impact of obesity on the respiratory system and disease diagnosis
Caring for culturally and linguistically diverse patients: a review
British Society for Heart Failure digital pathway tool
Rectal cancer and low anterior resection syndrome
Emotional effects of living with a child with eczema
Diabetes digest: discussing nutrition in type 2 diabetes management

Articles: 15

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Vol. 9 No. 1
Opportunity to gain advanced practice skills
Managing the effects of mental health and long-term conditions
Raising gambling awareness
Impact of cutting NHS ear wax removal services
Identifying and supporting veteran patients
New free digital wellbeing resource for nurses
Improving outcomes for patients with bowel cancer
Genitourinary syndrome of the menopause (GSM)
Assessing, treating and supporting patients with hidradenitis suppurativa
Tracheomalacia, bronchomalacia and laryngomalacia
Impact of stigma within type 1 diabetes mellitus
Pneumonia in babies and children: what GPNs should know
Cancer care reviews: a solution to delivering personalised care
National care bundle for children with asthma: what does it mean?
Diabetes digest: NICE guidance for management of type 2 diabetes

Articles: 15

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Vol. 8 No. 4
It’s good to share: working in partnership with patients
What do GPNs need to know about GDPR?
Supporting patients on home ventilation
Let’s educate men about the seen and unseen side-effects
Why point of care CRP testing should be standard practice
Using social media to enhance nursing practice and patient safety
Team reflection, reset and restoration
Treating and assessing a patient with pilonidal sinus disease
Menopause management and HRT prescribing: the current situation
National care bundle for children with asthma: what does it mean
Review of the routine and at-risk immunisation programme
Benefits of physical activity for those with COPD
Mediterranean diet: what’s all the hype?
Mouth breathing versus nasal breathing: any differences?

Articles: 14

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Vol. 8 No. 3
Shaping the clinical landscape post Covid
How has Covid-19 affected general practice nursing?
jcn-Hidradenitis suppurativa: a common condition often left undiagnosed
Helping women avoid asthma attacks
Why we all need to #AskAboutAsthma in September
NPRANG: raising standards of care for children and young people
Why don’t we screen all men for prostate cancer?
Supporting men with bladder incontinence
MPs more interested in potholes than heart failure
Human monkeypox
Assessment and management of fungating wounds
Upper airway disorders: bridging the gap between primary and secondary care - part two
Occupation-related lung diseases
Endometriosis: what GPNs should know
New style leg clinic: empowering the patient
Digital diabetes: the new approach to management in primary care

Articles: 16

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Vol. 8 No. 2
Helping people achieve longer, healthier lives
Late diagnosis creating deadly cancer gap
A look at new NICE guidelines for heart valve disease
Empowering patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Use and benefits of next generation compression hosiery
Heart failure rehabilitation and Covid-19
Differentiating between cellulitis/ erysipelas and alternative causes of ‘red legs’
Upper airway disorders: bridging the gap between primary and secondary care — part one
Ovarian cancer: what GPNs should know
Covid-19 and long Covid
Vegan and vegetarian diets: how healthy are they
Undertaking the six to eight-week infant examination
Deconditioning: causes and effects and impact on patient wellbeing
Cervical cancer screening for trans men and/or non-binary people

Articles: 14

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Vol. 8 No. 1
Grasping the wider picture is good nursing care
How can general practice nurses combat food insecurity?
Help us find men at risk
What does the future of digital hold for the clinical workforce?
New project to support parents experiencing perinatal mental illnesses
Survival guide to general practice nursing: story behind the book
Supporting people to manage their Long Covid symptoms
Dementia is everybody’s business
Keeping heart failure services intact
Lymphovenous disease: changing the way we look at leg ulcer assessment
Liver diseases: risk factors, causes and treatments
Treatments for female urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse
Importance of peristomal skin protection
Optimising nutritional care and combatting malnutrition

Articles: 14

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Vol. 7 No. 4
Working together to tackle the pandemic
Covid vaccination should be compulsory for healthcare staff
Let’s talk about sex
Making every contact count in lower limb care
Helping migraine patients
Supporting your patients who have served in the Armed Forces
Managing cow’s milk allergy with hypoallergenic infant formulas
A guide to self-harm wounds in primary care
Realities of using dressings under compression therapy
Diet, lifestyle and inflammation
Role of the pharmacist in wound care
Importance of wound bed preparation in the management of chronic wounds
Pelvic organ prolapse and female urinary incontinence: assessment
Understanding the clinical and cellular effects of frequent/overuse of beta-2 agonist inhalers
Social prescribing, personalised care and the role of the GPN

Articles: 15

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Vol. 7 No. 3
Being committed to lifelong learning
Teaching and learning styles and why they matter (September 2021)
‘Freedom from Failure — the F Word’ campaign
A collaborative culture of multi-professional, personalised wound care (September 2021)
Let’s get gardening...
Making speaking up business as usual: we all need to play our part
Why infection prevention and control is a key priority
Managing prostate cancer-related fatigue
Preventing wound infection: the role of wound dressings
Brain diseases: what GPNs should know — part two
Analgesia and common medicines: using them safely and effectively
Preparing for the influenza immunisation programme 2021–22
Undertaking remote paediatric asthma reviews
Heart failure care in Swansea: teamwork in action

Articles: 14

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Vol. 7 No. 2
Self-care is never selfish
Get involved with Nutrition and Hydration Week
Asthma Right Care: what will you commit to?
Modernising general practice nursing standards
What should be discussed with a patient before medical treatment?
Product Snapshot: Medi Derma-PRO Foam and Spray Incontinence Cleanser and Skin Protectant Ointment
Preconception health and FASD: hiding in plain sight
Self-management in COPD: time to address mental health
Challenges of the post-asthma attack review for children and young people
Reducing the environmental impact of respiratory healthcare
Embracing technology and a wound care pathway to improve practice
Practical solutions for managing fungating wounds at the end of life
Brain diseases: what GPNs should know - part one
Education and training post-pandemic: no going back
Managing prostatitis and chronic pelvic pain in primary care

Articles: 15

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Vol. 7 No. 1
Spring is in the air-2021
COVID-19 vaccination programme
Counselling asymptomatic men: PSA testing
Heart Failure Nurse Competency Framework
Deaf awareness: promoting communication and social inclusion
Life inside my hamster wheel: supporting the team
Medi Derma-S Total Barrier Cream and Film
Improving diagnosis and better management of migraine: the role of GPNs
Deprescribing and treatment alternatives in diabetes: how and where to start?
Importance of accurate documentation and holistic wound assessment
Integrating dance to enrich breathing rehabilitation
Can diet and lifestyle changes help women’s health conditions?
Screening military veterans for anxiety and depression in primary care
Remote consultations: seven steps to success

Articles: 14

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Vol. 6 No. 4
Entering 2021 with positive lifestyle choices and hope
Recognising compassion fatigue and protecting wellbeing
Keeping positive during a pandemic
Catching it early: recognising prostate cancer in asymptomatic men
Vaccinations throughout the life course
Zinc oxide and ichthammol
Role of nutrition and hydration in wound healing
Do lubricants have a detrimental effect on cervical smear results?
The power of listening: active listening as the catalyst for safe, legal and ethical health care
Virtual reality: its role in tackling loneliness and helping people with long-term conditions
Does cannabis use affect wound healing?
Assessment and management of eczema in a primary care setting
Telephone triage ‘red flags’ word search
Personal development: Leadership within the rapidly changing context of primary care services

Articles: 14

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Vol. 6 No. 3
Navigating this uncertain and challenging time
National roll out of CARE programme
Thousands of missing prostate cancer diagnoses due to Covid-19 pandemic
From network to community: BAME and non-BAME staff
Impact of the pandemic on family life across cultures
Why timely diagnosis of heart failure is vital for patient wellbeing
General practice nursing leadership journey opens up new horizons
Life inside my hamster wheel: listening to that gut instinct
New gelling fiber technology evolves exudate management
Delivering the influenza vaccination programme in the COVID-19 environment
Physical assessment and clinical decision-making as part of respiratory assessment
Improving management of vitamin B12 deficiency in primary care
Shared care in wound management: a significant opportunity
Introducing an automated ABPI device with a lower limb care pathway
Assessing and treating venous leg ulcers in primary care
Recognising anxiety and depression in patients with long-term physical conditions

Articles: 16

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Vol. 6 No. 2
Responding to a changing healthcare landscape
Bridging competencies for GPNs transitioning to community nursing
Effective exudate management
Life inside my hamster wheel: refocusing and adapting to change
Vitamin D status in self-isolation: consideration for at-risk groups
Developing a freedom to speak up culture in primary care
GPN leadership in action: digital support
Supporting men affected by prostate cancer during Covid-19
Managing hay fever and allergic rhinitis in primary care
Leadership within the rapidly changing context of primary care services
Gaining control: managing asthma with medications
Getting the most from children and young people’s asthma reviews
Digital working — what have we learned from Covid-19?
Lipoedema management and quality of life: a collaborative patient review
Covid-19: challenges and opportunities for social care services
Wound debridement: what GPNs should know
Sexually transmitted infections: management in clinical practice

Articles: 17

View issue
Vol. 6 No. 1
GPNs on the front line: rising to the challenge
Life inside my hamster wheel: juggling the demands of GP nursing
Indemnity in general practice: are you covered?
Why we need to keep talking about weight and its role in cancer
Why is managing exudate important?
Education in wound care: the need to improve access
Why is the vital role of GPNs being ignored?
Are we considering nutrition in the COPD care pathway?
Role of GPNs in promoting physical activity
Providing effective quality improvement for GPNs
Wound exudate: what GPNs should know
Travel health: risk assessment and vaccination for yellow fever

Articles: 12

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Vol. 5 No. 4
Gratitude for GPNs
Highlighting guidelines, upskilling staff and new education offers
Chronic oedema management in primary care
Supporting patients with psoriasis
Triggering a successful smoking quit attempt in 30 seconds
Domestic violence and alcoholism
Role of UCS in wound care
Pneumonia wordsearch
My Practice
Improving assessment and management of lower limb wounds
Implementing latest NICE COPD guidelines
Are we asking GPNs to become wound care experts?
Assessing and managing surgical wound dehiscence in primary care
Assessment and management of psoriasis in primary care
Endometriosis: raising awareness and understanding in primary care
Care planning for people with long-term health conditions

Articles: 16

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Vol. 5 No. 3
Your primary care network needs you
Understanding new guidelines, or starting a postgraduate programme…
Leadership roles for GPNs in primary care networks
The Digital Nurse Network: creating confidence and competence
New campaign supports people with long-term conditions to be more active
Improving wound healing through high-quality wound care practice
Crossword — medico-legal issues
What do the new primary care networks mean for GPNs?
Comparison of manual and automated ABPI recording in patients
Taking a patient history as part of respiratory assessment
Influenza vaccines: why so much change?
Exploring the decision-making processes utilised by advanced nurse practitioners: a case study
Understanding the exudate factor: assessment and management

Articles: 13

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Vol. 5 No. 2
News update
Vitamin D: what are the facts?
Improving clinical outcomes through working in partnership
Making every moment count to protect patients from skin cancer
GPNs are vital to general practice
Vaccination should be mandatory for school entry
Do we overlook the patient while caring for their wound?
Long-term wounds in the older person: exploring the issues
What does the NHS Long Term Plan mean for GPNs?
Promoting healthy arteries: diagnosing and managing PAD
Enabling good nutritional care for patients with COPD
Measles on the rise: why and what GPNs can do to protect patients, themselves and colleagues
Contraceptive choices: an update for GPNs
Effective wound assessment for general practice nurses

Articles: 14

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Vol. 5 No. 1
Why NICE guidance matters for wound care
News Update
Dermatological conditions: looking beyond physical appearance
Foot health and primary care
Improvements to national cancer screening programmes
What does being a GPN mean to you?
Many women are living longer with symptoms of the menopause
NHS Long Term Plan: an opportunity to improve respiratory care
Assessment and management of acne in a primary care setting
Bronchiectasis: recognising symptoms and management in general practice
Experiencing life on the streets
Chronic wounds and their effect on patient quality of life
Skin tears: a case-based and practical overview of prevention, assessment and management

Articles: 14

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Vol. 4 No. 4
What’s your GPN story?
Campaign champions nursing career opportunities
Encouraging male nurses into general practice nursing
News update
Radical service improves outcomes for patients with IBS in primary care
We’re all crucial to reducing cancer risk and improving patient outcomes
Psychological care for patients with long-term conditions
Improving access to health care for Gypsy and Traveller communities
General practice nurse-led cancer care reviews
Correct inhaler technique matters
Assessment and management of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Holistic care for surgical wounds: a practical guide
How GPNs can meet the challenges of frailty in primary care
An overview of using an asset-based approach to nursing
Wound cleansing and debridement in practice

Articles: 15

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Vol. 4 No. 3
Transforming perceptions of nursing — finding joy
Ensuring the most efficient delivery system for flu vaccination
Measles: time to be vigilant
PCRS-UK — How to be more self-confident at work
Our practice
News update
Always Events® and ‘what matters to you?’
Travel-related communicable disease awareness
Technology enabled care services for patients with long-term conditions
Clinical assessment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Understanding the 2018–19 influenza immunisation programme
What should GPNs be doing to tackle obesity?
Lipoedema — a fat disorder: considerations for GPNs
Identification and management of biofilm in chronic wounds

Articles: 14

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Vol. 4 No. 2
PCRS-UK — Reducing variations in standards of respiratory care
Our practice
News update from Education for Health
A clinical heritage to trust
Greener practice: actions to improve the health of patients and the planet
GPN leadership - raising our voice
Interstitial lung disease: diagnosis and management
What’s being done to develop the next generation of GPNs
A new spray-on chitosan FH02™ dressing for venous leg ulcers: an evaluation
Eczema and the influence of environmental factors
Improving shingles vaccination uptake
How diet can help women to survive the menopause
Assessment and nursing management of lymphoedema

Articles: 14

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Vol. 4 No. 1
Our practice
News update from Education for Health
Keeping the humanity in health care
Healthier lifestyles
Is it premature for public health authorities to promote e-cigarettes?
PCRS-UK — A pragmatic approach to conflicting asthma guidelines
The human touch of general practice nursing
What’s being done to encourage nurses to return to practice
Placing our best leg forward: preventing lower leg conditions for our workforce and the general public
Sustainability and transformation partnerships for England and the challenges they face
NICE indicators for hypertension
Aspirin: transforming health care for 120 years and still rolling
COPD exacerbations: causes and management
Undertaking ear assessment and irrigation
Managing infection in chronic wounds in primary care
Irritable bowel syndrome in general practice

Articles: 17

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Vol. 3 No. 4
Our Practice - Karen Smithson
Education for Health news update
Investing in education directly impacts on patient outcomes
Peanut and tree nut allergy: getting the right advice to the right people
New voluntary standards promote consistent and structured GPN education
Hands-on perspective of using technology enabled services
A passport to good health: new app helps children manage their asthma
Health visitors for older people: building working relationships with GPNS
Now is the time of the general practice nurse
It's time to get to grips with wound assessment
PCRS-UK - supporting self-management
Stroke: taking action on a global killer
What is screening? The background, definitions and criteria
Fighting the stigma of asthma in adolescents
Role of triple therapy and patient management in COPD
An overview of the care of minor traumatic wounds
Telemedicine in wound care: improving patient outcomes

Articles: 17

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Vol. 3 No. 3
Reading Well Books on Prescription programme
News update from Education for Health
Demystifying National Institute for Health and Care Excellence quality standards
Promoting concordance in oedema maintenance therapy
Practice matters: What Resilience means for general practice teams
Self-management programme of activity, coping and education
World COPD Day: a day to raise awareness of the UK’s fifth biggest killer
Welcome from the new editor-in-chief
Improving early detection of lung cancer and COPD
Key principles of care for patients with diabetes
Our practice
Nurse consultation: Role of self-care to prevent venous leg ulcer recurrence
Asthma exacerbation and the return-to-school calendar
Managing the skin in primary care: an overview for GPNs
Future of the seasonal influenza immunisation programme
Unravelling compression therapy for venous leg ulcers in general practice

Articles: 17

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Vol. 3 No. 2
UK Stroke Forum: a united force for stroke care
Why diet and lifestyle matter to ward off heart disease
News update from Education for Health
Job descriptions for nurses working in primary care
PCRS-UK - inspiring lifelong change
Dementia: communication and care in practice
Evidence at the heart of education
Education for Health: improving lives for 30 years
Charity offers comprehensive advice and support for people with allergies
Identifying and managing chronic oedema
Looking after children with skin conditions on holiday
All GPNs play a vital role in cancer care
Expectations for healing venous leg ulcers in general practice
How to help patients who are seeking advice about travel vaccinations
How ready are you to play your part?
Identification and appropriate treatment of malnutrition
Respiratory care in today’s NHS: findings from an interactive wall
Breathing pattern disorders: identifying and managing in primary care
Assessment of venous leg ulcers in primary care

Articles: 19

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Vol. 3 No. 1
News update from education for health
Does the colour of inhaler devices really matter?
Our practice
Striving for continuous improvement
New standards in inhaler competencies
Improving wound care through reducing variation in practice
Reducing undernutrition in older people
British guideline on managing asthma: a new philosophy
Outcomes-based nursing: what would it look like?
Skin/wound cleansing and debridement in general practice
Management of lymphoedema in primary care
Spirometry, history-taking or record-keeping?
General practice nursing: leadership for quality programme
Causes, signs and symptoms of non-melanoma and malignant melanoma skin cancer: part 2
Home oxygen therapy: what, when and why
Role of GPNs in caring for patients with prostate cancer
Encouraging self-care in venous leg ulceration

Articles: 17

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Vol. 2 No. 6
Time to embrace new ways of working
News update from education for health
Can group consultations restore the joy to clinical practice?
Skin and wound care and general practice nursing
QNI’s annual conference: inspiring quality and success in nursing
Joining the technological revolution
Our practice
Working with families struggling to manage atopic eczema
Consultation with children: challenges, rights and responsibilities
Atopic eczema and emollients: guidance for GPNs
Practical diabetes and dietary management in general practice nursing
Motivational interviewing to help patients achieve dietary and lifestyle changes
Migraine: practical management in primary care — part two
Personalised asthma action plans: what is all the fuss about?

Articles: 14

View issue
Vol. 2 No. 5
News update from education for health
Competence and confidence in diagnostic spirometry
Helping the public think kidneys for health
The battle for breath why GPNs are key to good COPD care
What will Brexit mean for GPNs?
Our practice
Promoting lung health and respiratory care
The realities of advanced nursing care in the community
Devices, drugs and guidelines: prescribing inhaler therapy
Caring for tattoos and body piercings: a wound management perspective
GPNs’ trusted and key role in the extension of the influenza immunisation programme to children
Perinatal mental health and general practice nursing
Nutrition and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Migraine: practical diagnosis in primary care — part one

Articles: 14

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Vol. 2 No. 4
News update from education for health
New voluntary standards for education and practice
A breath of fresh air? Healthy Lungs for Life in London
The missing million: in search of the loneliest in our communities
Appropriate compression is necessary to prevent recurrence in venous leg ulceration
Our practice
Time to challenge and address variation in practice
Nicotine: time for a rethink?
Leading Change, Adding Value: a framework for nursing, midwifery and care staff
Ask the expert — How GPNs can tackle the rising problem of obesity and type 2 diabetes
Managing exudate and preventing biofilms in primary care
What kind of advice should GPNs offer cruise ship passengers?
Performing a structured asthma review in primary care
Causes, signs and symptoms of non-melanoma and malignant melanoma skin cancer: part 1
Diagnosing and managing chronic urticaria in primary care

Articles: 15

View issue
Vol. 2 No. 3
Why obesity is keeping the NOF’s spokesman busy
Eczema in the summer months
Staying on message: ensuring people with MS access specialist services
Birth of the super generalist practice nurse
Innovative compression therapy systems can improve practice
Integrating care for cardiovascular disease
The life-changing effect of tragic events
News update from Education for Health
C-reactive protein point-of-care testing for lower respiratory tract infections
Our practice
How can we stop Britain from being ‘the fat man of Europe’?
Review of hormone replacement therapy: new NICE guidelines
Health benefits and barriers with recommending physical activity
The who, where, why and how of inhaler technique
Chronic kidney disease: detection and management for GPNs

Articles: 15

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Vol. 2 No. 2
GPNs must prepare for new models of health care
News update from education for health
Social prescribing: helping those living with and beyond cancer
Defining the role of ANPs in today’s healthcare arena
Effective debridement can be achieved in a busy clinic environment
Prostate cancer care closer to home: a new model of care
Our practice
Is it time to accept that there is a crisis in the GPN workforce?
Thinking kidneys: changing and saving lives
Making a good diagnosis — obstructive lung disease
Hay fever: diagnosis and management
Emotional pathway to self-management in COPD
Managing wounds in primary care
Blood glucose monitoring in non insulin dependent type 2 diabetes
Identifying and supporting patients with coeliac disease
The truth about constipation: what general practice nurses need to know

Articles: 16

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Vol. 2 No. 1
Practice matters — How GPNs can support people with multiple sclerosis
Launch of 21st century GPN report heralds new opportunities
Supporting patients with pulmonary fibrosis
Helping people quit
Education for Health news update
Our practice
A new year, new challenges - are we ready for change?
The expert generalist team
Could nurse-led general practice solve the GP workforce crisis?
Learning Zone: Record keeping: essential to good practice
Using quality assured spirometry to support diagnosis
A new era of health promotion: saving lives, saving the NHS
Developing student nurse placements in general practice
Optimising blood pressure management
National dementia strategy care pathway: knowing and doing

Articles: 15

View issue
Vol. 1 No. 4
Education for Health news update
Modern management of venous leg ulceration
Ask the expert: How can desloughing a wound aid the patient experience?
When you choose nursing, you also choose the law
Our practice
Getting prepared for chillier weather and Christmas cheer
Practice matters: Three wishes to secure the future of the GPN workforce
Malnutrition in COPD: meeting patients’ nutritional needs
Diabetes education: the big missed opportunity in diabetes care
Opportunity knocks with new career framework
What general practice nurses need to know about colorectal cancer
Learning Zone: Recognising and managing patients with interstitial lung disease
Long-term conditions: Identifying and managing atrial fibrillation in primary care — part 2
How can general practice nurses best manage eating disorders?
Long term conditions: Management of viral-induced wheezing in the preschool child

Articles: 15

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Vol. 1 No. 3
UK poised to lead the way in reducing smoking rates
Education for Health news update
The importance of keeping the cold chain intact
PCRS-UK — inspiring best practice in respiratory care
How to apply an innovative compression device
Ask the experts: What impact can dressings with the TLC Healing Matrix have on clinical practice?
Are clinicians taking patient involvement seriously enough?
Our practice
Engaging and involving patients is key for primary care
Flu vaccination for children — fighting flu in our communities
Identifying and managing atrial fibrillation in primary care — part 1
Frailty as a long-term condition: its management in primary care
Vaccination and strategies to increase vaccine coverage
Using the primary care nursing force to address health inequalities
Prescribing for type 2 diabetes: a patient-centred approach
Respiratory disorders: one step forward and two steps sideways

Articles: 16

View issue
Vol. 1 No. 2
Education for Health news update
Poster series: The Debrisoft difference
Diabetes UK supports GPNs with collaborative care planning
New RCN guidance on advanced preparation of insulin syringes
QNI resources to promote effective working with carers
Viewpoints: The time is right for GPNs to put their heads above the parapet
Are your wound management choices costing you money?
Future of primary care needs some innovation
Can the GPN workforce meet the challenge of increased demand?
An insight into the mindset behind CQC regulation
Our practice
Solar skin damage and advising on skin cancer prevention
Nurse and midwifery revalidation: a pilot project supporting GPNs
How to select the best compression hosiery for your patient
Use of spirometry in the diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Cost efficacy of using Juxta CURESTM and UCSTM debridement cloths
Seasonal allergic rhinitis: identification and management

Articles: 17

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Vol. 1 No. 1
Education for Health news update
QNI survey aims to give nurses a voice and bolster new campaign for GPNs
How to use a small volume spacer
A challenge to traditional practice: new ways to treat venous leg ulcers
Will you be ready for the NMC’s new revalidation programme?
What is the workforce crisis?
Join the BHF Alliance and help lead the fight for change
Female genital mutilation: commissioning and safeguarding
Practical weight management in general practice nursing
Our practice
Welcome to the new Journal of General Practice Nursing
Risk assessment and resources for the travel health consultation
Prevention in the Five Year Forward View: an opportunity for general practice nurse leadership
Compression hosiery kits for the treatment of venous leg ulceration
Diagnosing and managing pilonidal sinus disease
A closer look at NICE and its goal of excellence to aid practice
Childhood eczema: a parent’s perspective
Getting the most from CVD reviews: for you and your patient
Personalised asthma action plans for patient education and self-management
Caring for people with diabetes in the community

Articles: 20

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