GPN Journals

Journal of General Practice Nursing (GPN)

Journal of General Practice Nursing (GPN)

The Journal of General Practice Nursing is published quarterly. The journal provides up-to-the-minute features and expert clinical guidance on how general practice nurses (GPNs) can take a proactive approach to working with other members of the primary care team. With its detailed analysis and comment from leading nursing figures, it also offers clinical education to help challenge and develop practice.

No. of issues: 43

Supplements and other resources

Supplements and other resources

To help you in your day-to-day practice, JCN and GPN regularly produces supplements to provide education in key areas of clinical practice.

This currently includes 'Wound care in the community' and 'Challenging your practice: venous leg ulcers', as well as 'Evaluation of a dynamic mattress replacement system within a community setting'.



Here is a list of all of the current posters available on the site. Click on the link to download.

Care Today

Care Today

The Care Today series of annual journals cover specific areas of care vital for your day-to-day practice, including Wound Care Today, Skin Care Today and Respiratory Care Today. Their easy-to-read style combines education and practical tips that focus on issues central to good patient care.