This first issue of Urology and Continence Care Today focuses on catheterisation and catheter care and why providing good quality care and support for the many people living with a catheter is vital. We hope that this supplement will be thought-provoking and provide an update of best practice to everyone working with patients who need catheters.
With new national indicators for 2017–19 including 'improving the assessment of wounds', and community services placing a greater emphasis on wound care to ensure better patient and system outcomes (NHS England, 2016), this volume of Wound Care Today is tailored to helping nurses in the community undertake systematic and thorough wound assessment to get better outcomes and thus meet performance targets in line with the CQUIN framework.
By focusing on the principles of the acronym TIME (tissue, infection/inflammation, moisture imbalance and edge of wound), each article explores and explains these inter-related clinical components of wound bed preparation, including the recent addition of ’S' (surrounding skin) to this framework. Throughout the journal there are also snapshot learning features, providing a quick and easy guide to using products in practice.
With skin diseases affecting a vast majority of people, this issue looks at the psychological impact that living with a skin condition can have. While the physical manifestations such as blistering, itch, rash and inflammation are easy to identify, the emotional damage can often be underestimated, or not even considered by healthcare professionals. Assessing patients holistically and not just focusing on the skin condition in front of you and taking time to listen to how a patient’s skin is affecting them can go a long way to making a difference. This edition is also full of a range of clinical articles, such as an overview of factors to consider when caring for elderly people with skin problems, the crucial role that nurses play managing atopic eczema in children, as well as practical guidance on assessment and treatment for chronic plaque psoriasis and venous eczema.
This issue of Wound Care Today also looks at the challenging issue of managing wound pain effectively, the appropriate use of negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT), as well as the importance of accurately assessing a patient’s wound, while the ‘top tips’ feature (pp. 32–34) provides a snapshot overview of debridement.
One of the features of Skin Care Today is that it highlights why good skin care is relevant to many areas of nursing practice, not just dermatology nurses. When skin fails, the physical symptoms include pain, soreness and itch, but it is not only the physical pain which is distressing — the psychological factors of embarrassment, stigmatisation and social isolation are also debilitating. In this issue, we consider both the physical and psychological aspects of skin care, alongside the usual practical advice that make Skin Care Today such a useful journal.
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the first edition of Respiratory Care Today. This new journal is the result of the increased recognition of the important role that nurses play in the provision of good quality care for the millions of people in the UK living with a respiratory condition. This issue includes articles, written by expert respiratory clinicians working across the many different interfaces of care in the NHS, that cover a wide range of topics relevant to clinical practice, ranging from practical tips when providing care to people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, as well as long-term oxygen therapy and end-of-life care.
This new journal aims to reach all those caring for patients with skin conditions and to inform clinical practice. The first issue covers the bases with features that explore the different emollient therapies available and how to perform comprehensive skin assessment. Such assessment underpins the clinical articles on incontinence-related skin damage, issues around 'wet, leaky legs', common skin infections and infestations, venous eczema, childhood eczema and psoriasis — all of which can affect patient self-esteem and quality of life. The practical posters offer further education, as the importance of providing optimum skin care and promoting skin health cannot be over-emphasised.
In this issue we have provided you with a set of articles that get to the bottom of what 'good care' is — a set of fundamental principles, delivered well and in a timely fashion. We’ve tried to cover the basics — dressing choice; pressure ulcers; leg ulcers; oedema — to give you all you need to keep up to date with the latest clinical information. It's not all about the clinical though — we also take a look at the growing trend for litigation in pressure ulcers, an issue that is costing the health service millions and remains a grey area for nurses (see 'Wound watch' on pp.6–7).
Our first issue covers the wound care bases with articles that take a practical look at wound assessment, pressure ulcers, leg ulcers, compression therapy, exudate management, infection and skin tears, offering a complete toolkit for any clinician who has to deal with wounds on a day-to-day basis. We have also produced a series of fact-based posters, which tell you how to treat different wound types at a glance.
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